응 코넬 CAS 인증부터해봐
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닉네임 베끼는거봐..
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UC훌리짓 그만
Over the weekend, thousands of students found out if they were invited to join Georgia Tech’s next incoming class.

Regular Decision applicants were notified Saturday, March 10. In total, between Early Action and Regular Decision rounds, nearly 8,000 students from around the world were offered admission.

This year was Tech’s largest applicant pool in history at more than 35,600. Applications increased 13 percent (an additional 4,000), with an 11 percent increase from Georgia residents. This year’s overall admit rate is 22 percent.

코넬 acceptance rate 이 13~ 14%
버클리. 17~18%
aUCLA. 18~ 19%
조지아텍. 22%.

큰 차이 없음.

ACT 36 , in state 도 금년에 조텍 떨어짐. Reddit 한번 보아라.

매년 상위권 대학들. Acceptance rate 낮아지고... SAT ACT 점수 올라가는거 공통 현상임.
UCLA 만 그런거 절대 아님.
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