스피킹 평가점수 : 5.5점
딕테이션 해보니 좀 빼먹은거도 있을겁니다.
Ah one time I got a phone call from a research company. It was last year.
When our former president Pak Geun Hea was about to be impeached before the impeachment
Every week every research company that the research about questionnaire about for the survey about whether she have to be impeached or not.
That kind of call from the company one day I got a phone call from the company
In the questionnaire consist of kind 5 or 6 question I don’t remember exactly what was it but the main question was as I told you before whether she should be impeached or not
And definitely say yes
And they also asked me why she should be impeached, it is because I answer like even she is our president she did so much ah bad thing for the country he di?? People and ruined democracy
He(?) ah let the other people run our country behind the people’s back for,, not for the benefit of people for her or their own benefit
So that was I most angry about her
Another question that is very interesting is should we put her in prison , should we do legal investigate on this case
And some people want her impeachment but they don’t want to let her go and legal procedure
But personally I definitely want her to put in prison if she did something wrong
I don’t want like there is no exception even she was a president (sounds like present)
Actually I personally think that even if she was present we need more like high standard
I mean we have to apply high standard, regulation or ?
She take took a lot of responsibility then like normal people so yeah
She also have a privilege because she was a president

질문이 뭔지 모르겠지만
1. 문장의 구조가 의미를 전달하기에 어려울거 같네요. 처음과 끝이 어디인지 모르겠습니다.
2. 구문과 단어의 반복이 계속됩니다.
3. 발음은 괜찮으거 같으나 중간중간 알아듣기 어려운 발음이 있습니다. 예를 들면 president를 present처럼 들리는 경우
4. 너무 많이 ah, yeah 가 들어가 듣는 사람으로 하여금 지루하고 얘기의 흐름이 끊깁니다.
5. 틀린 문법이 자주 보입니다. (1번과 연계해서)
아무래도 말을 길게 하려다 보니 하지 않아도 되는 말을 계속 쓰게되는 것 같네요.
무작정 말을 하시는거 보다 질문마다 자신만의 답을 만들어서 연습하시는 게 더 효과적일 듯 싶네요. 친구랑 같이 하시면서 피드백 주고 받으면 더욱 효과적입니다. 저두 약 2달 스피킹 노트 만들어서 어려울 질문들을 정리해서 같이 공부하는 친구랑 연습했습니다. 물론 연습할때는 실제 자신의 생각을 말하는 것처럼 연습하고요. 다른 사람들 말하는 것도 들으면 도움이 됩니다.
제가 5.5 받을때 하던거 같습니다. 물론 그때는 몰랐지만 왜 그런지 ^^
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