아이고 14.32.xxx.xxx
다 리젝받으신건가요?ㅠㅠ
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그냥 121.140.xxx.xxx
그냥 아무 연락도 안온건가요?? 아니면 불합격했다는 연락만 온건가요??
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ㅠㅠ 222.106.xxx.xxx
힘내시길 바랍니다ㅠㅜ 혹시 내년에 또 지원하실 예정이신가요?
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123 119.196.xxx.xxx
No, I think the main problem with me underperforming on the GRE was that I did not find an appropriate teacher relevant to the type of studying method I need. I went to Hackers but the classes were taught in Korean. Thus, other than the prep material I received, the lessons were ineffective for me. I am studying for the LSAT using 7Sage and books written by other American authors. Receiving this education is more helpful for me, and I believe I can do better on the LSAT than how I performed on the GRE. In sum, I plan on applying to law schools for either this year or next year.
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ㅇㅇ 221.148.xxx.xxx
열심히 준비하셨을텐데,, 너무 아쉬운 마음이 크시겠어요..
답글 수정 삭제
123 119.196.xxx.xxx
It's not a big deal but thank you for your sympathy
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